Friday, November 02, 2007

Colour for a dreary day

Remember this day? When I drove all the way down to Stanley Park to take pictures, only to discover that my camera wasn't actually in my camera case? Well, I decided to go back and get it after all, and I had a very relaxing afternoon playing around with my camera, capturing some of fall's splendor. These are a few samples; click here to see the rest of the set or click any image to see a larger version.

Stanley Park 10-14-07 022 082_editedStanley Park 10-14-07 057 208_editedStanley Park 10-14-07 058 158_edited
Stanley Park 10-14-07 050 136 best_editedStanley Park 10-14-07 028 117_edited02 Stanley Park 10-14-07 002 005
Stanley Park 10-14-07 024 100_editedStanley Park 10-14-07 034 170_editedStanley Park 10-14-07 041 188_edited


Katrina said...

Wow, these images are stunning! Seriously, could you come help me make my camera take pictures like THAT?

Courtney said...

Wow! Great pictures!! Fall seems to offer so much great stuff to work with!

(Note: Katrina totally read my post mid-tweak too!!! I had only posted like half my pics and she was already commenting... she's speedy!)