So, what's de-lurking, you ask? It means that for this week, instead of just reading, you post a little hello or other comment in the comment section. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind lurkers. You are jsut as welcome here as commenters. I know that not everybody has something to add to the conversation all the time. But there are waaay more hits on my statcounter than there are comments, and I'm curious as to who y'all are, so for this week, speak up! I promise posts (yay! now your lives are complete! buah ha) if you promise comments! It could be a hello, it could be a draft of your thesis on the mating habits of earthworms, whatever! (um, though maybe not so much the earthworms?)
And, by the way, if you are someone who does comment here, thank you so much (and keep 'em coming!)!!! You're the bestest! It's really the comments that make things fun around here. I've met lots of neat-o folks through it!
And to make matters easy for ya, I'll give you a question to answer. Since it is now snowing AGAIN (what, storm number 15 this season?) I'll ask you this: do you like winter/snow or hate it?
Your comments make me happy, so comment away!

Update: I've replied to all the comments so far, so check'er out :)
Hello Hillary, You don't even know me but I just happened upon your cute little blog, & the request for some comments really got to me! I, like you, love to get comments! It makes all the blah blah worth while and fun! You are right about that.
You are also right when you say lurkers are fully entitled to do their lurking, of course, but it is better to be a commentator. Bloggers like to know that others are listenng to what they say or they would not be blogging in the first place! So, I hope you do like it that I stopped to leave a comment (or 2) on your blog here. Happy Blogging and I also hope your wish for more comments comes true!!
So, I can't comment on earth worms, but I could include a draft on "the phenomenology of adolescents with progressive neuromuscular disorders and personal medical decision making". It will be a very great read!
Love your blog and am a perpetual lurker,
hate the snow at the moment. im ready for sunshine, hayfever and beaches! ! !
I like winter snow when I'm tucked away inside with a significant other willing to drive me around in said snow.
I hate snow when I'm outside, or I personally have to drive in it.
Now see? I de-lurked about 2 weeks ago. Does that make me ahead of the times? :)
Snow? What's snow? It's been 70 degrees in NY! In JANUARY! -Nuts! Meanwhile the radiators have still been on...
I like the snow - but I can't go out and enjoy it with Hannah when it's -40!!!!! It's been pretty much at that temp for the last week. I love it when it's a new snowfall and the sun shines out of the heavens, nothing but blue sky and the fresh snow looks like a blanket of teeny, tiny diamonds glistening in the sunlight.
It's been really nice here for the past week, too. I was shocked to see this ice storm. LMK has been running around in shorts! (Ok...he's been known to do that when it's cold out too, but still!)
It's me again, one of those pesky comment people ;) Good to see you as always! Oh, and varxhequ to you.
Ooopsie, almost forgot, I don't like winter.
I have no idea how I found your blog, but I like you. Enough said. You make me laugh and youre very real. So I will keep on reading and sometime I will comment when I feel the need.
Rebecca in Texas
I used to love snow, when I was a child, because we'd have fun playing in the snow. As an adult, it seems to make life harder, shoveling it, walking or driving in it, and I don't like being cold. It looks beautiful, more so when the sun shines, I don't hate it, but I prefer summer.
romancefanreader - thanks! yes, I do appreciate your comments!
Sarah D - you lost me after "phen... word I can't pronounce" ;) Hee hee. I know that YOU lurk. Hey, we'll have to hang out sometime soon, I kinda got used to seeing ya over the holidays!
Shle - I'm all for sunshine and beaches, but no so much the hayfever!
Sarahcool - hmmm... me TOO (er, not that's that's happened in a very long time!) I'm ok with driving in the snow, though, I'm kinda gettin' used to it!
Melissa - yes! you are SO ahead of the game (and by the way, your first comment was about my brother's picture in the paper, I think, and I freaked out, cause his girlfriend's name is Melissa, and I though she had found my blog! Not that she'd tell him about his gift, but still...
Adina - what? Hannah doesn't LIKE -40??? ;) Yes, you're right, snow in sunshine is beautiful! You described it so well!
LMQ - yeah, I've known people who wear shorts in -30 weather. I just don't get it. But it's been warm where you are!
Queen Bee - I love pests ;) And actually, I kinda like winter - cold, sun, and snow is awesome (but 3 months of greay and rain... not so much)
Rebecca - Thank you! And WELCOME! Thanks for commenting!
Nactwtche - hehe, you commented while I was writing this - it only LOOKS like I can read minds. Yeah, I don't think I'd like the snow so much if I had to shovel, either.
oh. no, it doesn't look like I can read minds. I thought my comment would be before yours. See? my brain's not back to being fully functional yet.
Anyway, thanks, all for the comments thus far! Keep 'em coming! :)
We got snow! For the first time this year, we actually got snow - and it's still here. Okay, so it's only about .5 of an inch, but it's snow. Well, according to Mattias, it's snowman. I don't know why. It just is. It's also about -17 C right now. Boo. Anyways....
Love winter -- but not the slushy/rainy between seasons kind of winter. That's no good! Snow is a necessary ingredient. That said, not much snow here in Brazil!
Oh geeze... the school break must have gone to your brain. ;) Or maybe it was all the sugar from the gingerbread? I couldn't be your brother's girlfriend! I emailed you before I made my first post on your blog! (I emailed you, you emailed me, I emailed you back, you... ummm... probably got busy ;) ) The story about asking Santa for world peace instead of the darned Barbie he kept trying to push on me! Remember? :D So unless your brother moved to the USA, I'm pretty sure we're not dating! Lol!
Melissa - Right! And the thing about looking up through the Christmas tree! I loved that! I do remember the emails now, but didn't connect email Melissa with commenter Melissa. :) I think I was probably just paranoid about my bro finding out about his gift!
Karen - yeah, it's mostly the slushy stuff that we get here, though we've had real snow this year.
Snow, You're kidding, it's wiiiinnnnddddyyy here.
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