Friday, January 26, 2007

Time for a chuckle

Occasionally I catch the medical sit-com show Scrubs. I had heard that they were gonig to a musical episode a while back, but didn't end up catching it. Christine over at Welcome to My Brain posted this little gem, and now I SO wish I saw the whole episode. This was hilarious!


Anonymous said...

This seems to be my morning for musical numbers... I wonder what that means?

I just read a post elsewhere with a link to a song.

Anonymous said...

It was a great episode! I had my brother DVR it so I could watch it last week. So funny...though I always think that show is funny...we have the first four seasons on DVD and I'm waiting anxiously for Five to come out! :)

Anonymous said...

It was a great episode! I had my brother DVR it so I could watch it last week. So funny...though I always think that show is funny...we have the first four seasons on DVD and I'm waiting anxiously for Five to come out! :)

Anonymous said... was a hilarious episode. One of the one's I actually did watch as I'm not a regular watcher..

Davey Jones said...


Anonymous said...

I missed that one too
it's all about poo!
there is no constraint,
some ladies might faint,
when they do the shoot,
it must be a hoot.
I can tell you, my mate,
he thinks it is great,
it's so over the top,
it just cracks him up.

:) Verrrrry funny!

Anonymous said...

Now look what you've done!
Now I am the one,
Who's rhyming their words,
The whole thing's absurd.
But once you get started,
It's hard to just stop.
I'm going to leave now,
Before my brain pops.

Anonymous said...

It's catching, isn't it?
Hillary, I clicked on the "Welcome to My Brain" link. I loved her writings, current and some of her favourites, if only more Christians understood Christianity.
Have a great week!