I got to talk to my bestest blogger buddy Sarah Cool for nearly an hour a-waaaaay over in Cincinnati! SO FUN!
One of the things I love about blogging is meeting all kinds of really awesome people. Radzilla (aka Sarah) is definitely one of them! She is most definitely the one who has introduced me to THE BEST WAY TO EXPRESS ENTHUSIASM OVER THE INTERNET EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's also been a HUGE source of encouragement and fun, and has an amazing way of pointing me towards God.
Hehe, ok ok, enough mush. You can read her take on our conversation here. She totally stole my idea about laughing at out different accents (that's what happens when she's an hour ahead and starts work at a ridiculously early hour!), but hey, that's ok. I'll let it pass.... THIS time! ;)
And? Thanks for recognizing that Canadians don't say "aboot!" ;) Tee hee!

The picture! It is AMAZING!!!!!!!!
holy exclamation point, batman!!!
And this, folks, is but one of the reasons SarahCool is so awesome!
(and Sarah, by the way, I TOTALLY say "Holy ___ batman" all. the. time!)
Yay for Ohio! Even if Cincinnati was on the other side of the state from me.
I could have SWORN I already left this comment!! Either my brain is GONE, or your blog is eating my comments!!!!!!
Lawn Mower Queen... where in Ohio do you/did you live??
That is so cool! Sorry, the word fits ;)
Oh, COME ON. At LEAST tell me you guys in Canada really do stick an "eh" at the end of every sentence, right? Next you'll be trying to tell me that STRANGE BREW is NOT the end-all, be-all guide to all things Canadian...
Thanks for the sweet words on my blog -- you're such an encouragment to me in my writing -- my favorite kind of reader!
Hello Hillary,
have you gotten your new haircut, yet? I went the other day and had a horrible experience. I don't want to go in too much detail here (and keeping you in mind, I even wrote my blog entry in German :o), I can only strongly recommend to invest in a couple of barrettes, slides or scrunchies instead of getting your hair cut. Or I hope you'll find someone you trust with scissors. Wishing you better luck than I had!!!
Sounds like you two had lots of fun! I'm an immigrant and I learned to say "eh", :) maybe that's because in swiss german we have something similar-"gell", said at the end of some conversations. Then I have my very own swiss/english accent :)
I beg to differ. I didn't hear her laughing or ask what she was laughing at. ;) But I did read the entry and smile.
How fun! Blog friends are great!
I'm a little disappointed to hear that Canucks don't actually say "aboot"....what DO you say, then? "A-boat"? I apologize for my ignorance, but all my Canada-related information comes from the movie "Strange Brew". Not a great source! LOL...
How fun! You two seem like you are made to be friends!
haha... I love how JenDay thinks she's my only neighbor at work!
Um...Canadians, Americans, don't they sound the same!!!
Give me a few seconds notice before you hit me for that comment ;)
We just moved from Northeast Ohio, Sarah. :o)
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