I mentioned in my last post that it's time for a haircut and I'm thinking about a change. I also mentioned that I always say that, and I always end up getting the same thing. Well, we'll see this time around. BUT, it DID give me an idea. Surely there are some 'try out some new hairstyles' websites out there. A quick google search and I found one. Which gave me some entertainment this afternoon between naps.
I came up with 12 possible hairstyles, all representing a range of length and bangs/no bangs. Some are better/worse than others, for sure. Sooo... ignore the bad computer colours (I wouldn't colour my hair the same way as the pictures) and the not-so-perfect fit of hairstyle to head, but take a look!
Which do you like best? Which would you steer clear of? Guys - don't be afraid to comment, either, this isn't just for girls, haha! What do you think? Bangs? No bangs? Long layers? Short? Medium? Long? Staight? Curly?
Oh, and there are two versions of each style - one with glasses, one without. Call me crazy, but sometimes I feel like certain styles just look better/worse depending on whether or not I'm wearing glasses (which I wear about 80% of the time). Here's the cut I got last time, just for comparison sake.
And yes, I am aware that this looks more than a little ridiculous, espcially with cartoon hair on a real head - I'm doing this as half joke, half real (maybe even 70/30), so go for the idea and laugh WITH me (not at me!)! ;)

I'm always trying to figure out what hairstyle to go with, but you have wayyyyy more patience than I do! Great idea with the different styles.
My opinion, in order:
Can we go for combinations? I like the length of L with the bangs of C.
Now... they ALL look good, but you know what? I really love the short hair cuts!!!!!! They look amazing on you!!
I'm sure you would look cute no matter what the hairstyle but I like your last cut the best. And I like the style in your profile pick. Which is probably a variation of your last cut..
I loved your old haircut. I think you'd look good in any of the longer ones, but I think I like the last one best.
With glasses I like E the best - and you wear glasses a lot, right?
Without glasses, I like B and K the best. (How can I like two different cuts "the best"?)
well, 'h' is essentially what you've already got (which works very nicely). I kinda like 'c' though I imagine it'd be quite the shock to go from here to there in one step. F is kinda fun too.
i like the short cut. C. and g is good too. I is funky as well. It's hair. It grows back. Just maybe invest in some good hats
I like L... and as second choice D or K (which are very similar except for the styling). bangs definitely make it "feel" different... not sure how i feel about the super short like A and C (maybe too drastic? and it would mean more styling in the morning).
hee hee... that's pretty entertaining though... i've always wanted to try one of those programs. nice work.
This is hard! Usually I agonize over my own hair. I used to prefer going to the dentist over the hair dresser, until I had a few torture sessions in the dentist chair. I like E, H, K and L, but you're the one that has to like it. If your hair is long enough to donate for wigs for cancer patients, they'll only take it, if it hasn't been coloured, the chemicals would be unhealthy for the patient.
If you don't like the end result, hair cuts can always be changed again, it's not permanent:) Good luck!
That was FUN!
Now I may sound crazy, but F looked totally funky cool on you. : ) Seriously!
And I will agree with Sarah on the short cuts...amazing! Those are hard to pull off and you did it!
My final pick for you, though, is L. I think your best bet is a short cut or one mid- to past- neck. But overall I like L the best.
FUN! I LOOOOOVE getting my hair cut!!
I do like C and G and H. Ok ok ok..I like all of them!!! sigh. so many choices! :) So no matter what you go with, you're going to be beautiful.
WoW! I'm loving your feedback! Awww... You are all so sweet! I was expecting more ruthless, for some reason: "This one doesn't work because of xyz" "What were you THINKING with that one?" Haha. Constructive criticism is good. (Not that I'm knocking all the nice things you're saying! Thank you!)
Well, I guess I got ONE ruthless comment (though, sadly, it was on MSN, not here).
"You look crazy in every one of those pictures." Haha, Zenon, I wasn't asking about ME, just the hair! ;)
Hey Hillary,
I really like K on you! I think I would look good too.
Happy hair cutting :)
OOPS --- the letter I would look good too, not that the hair cut would look good on me ( thouhg I think I might try it:))
haha - you DO look good, Sarah D, you DO look good! :D
H is good. after reading sarah's comment I'm thinking K could also be a good choice if you looking for something short and different.
Hi Hillary, Yes - it's the same Rhonda from Kawkawa. Nice to hear from you! Did you get my blog info from Brad's blog? Do you still go to the same church? I've been there a bunch the last few months but haven't seen you. P.S. I like "D."
You'd be absolutely GORGEOUS even if you were bald ................. but don't go there. I'm looking forward to seeing the winning style. :)
haha... thanks MOM ;) You're the best!
Rhonda, yes, I found your blog via Brad & Sam's, and yes, I still go to the same church - I'll keep an eye out for you!
Hi, popping in to say hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog, my fellow canadian :)
seriously, does every woman go thru some sort of need to cut her hair in the new year? I recently photoshopped myself into a new 'do too. Pretty funny indeed. I like L, but I think to even contemplate F would be crazy, cuz a frizzy perm in the humidity you have there in Vancouver, THAT would be courageous and a huge challenge! Hahahaha.
Cartoon hair? yes, I think you should get cartoon hair. In fact I'm considering making you a similar sheet with real cartoon hair on.
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