Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Dopey? Grumpy? Sleepy?

All of the above.

Dopey cause I just couldn't seem to get it together today. It was the first day back to school, and it just seemed off. Mighta been cause I wasn't nearly as prepared as I had meant to be (ok, so I wasn't prepared at all). The last kindergarten class I had today was not a shining moment of music teacher brilliance. Good thing there was a student teacher on the first day of her practicum there watching me, jsut to see how a kindergarten music class unfolds. Crap. It didn't help matters that I felt I had to apologize for such a horrible class and joked about "See, that's what you call 'winging it.'" Good job, Hillary. Highlight your goof-ups. Why do I DO that?

Grumpy cause... I don't know. Just one of those days. Har-UMPH.

Sleepy cause I went to bed far too late last night (surprise surprise) and the first day back to being a performing monkey... er, I mean music teacher... was a bit of a shock to the system after two weeks of vacation. No Qwyzzle for me tonight, I think my brain would explode.

Which of the Seven Dwarfs do you identify with today?


BarbaraMG said...

I need help with that game that YOU got me on to! What is the deal with the acorn/key ring thingie?? I have no idea what they are wanting me to say here!

Brad said...

Sneezy. And Coughy. There's a dwarf named Coughy, right?

anne said...

What about Dandy? Is that a dwarf? Can I be that one?

SlushTurtle said...

Always Dopey for me!

Happy and Blue 2 said...

Happy of course.
Hope tomorrow goes better for you..

WendyWings said...

Sneezy for sure, stupid Christmas tree sets me off BADLY

BTW I know you took part last time so just a heads up I have a 48 hour casting call up on my blog :)

Richard said...


BarbaraMG said...

I figured out the acorn. I had never heard of that before!

AfricaBleu said...

Is there a "Chubby" dwarf? 'Cause I that's what I feel.