Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hillary is...

10:28am - Hillary is marking. All weekend long. Boooooo.

10:51am - Hillary is amused at seeing moms who post on their kids facebook pages... no! wait! Hillary is marking. Yeeeeeaaah....

1:36pm - Hillary is actually geting work done! Marking AND laundry! Go me!

3:31pm - Hillary is taking a break to go buy dancing shoes. Squeee!

4:57pm - Hillary is wet.

5:12pm - Hillary is back at 'er

6:06pm - Hillary is saying, "Forget this, I'm done."

9:00pm - Hillary is dancing the night away...

1:49am - Hillary is hoping the skin on her feet grows back really quickly. OUCH!

Hillary is NOT entirely addicted to Facebook.... Only mostly. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Ha! You sound like me on a daily basis! I believe they call this ADD....

nachtwache said...

I'm thankful for my limited knowledge about computers, otherwise I'd have to quit work and read stuff on the different sites all day and night, there's sooooo much, and lots of it is interesting!
You're done, right? With marking that is, right???
How's them feet?

karen said...

You need to get your mom on Facebook so she can join my mom and Rose! :)

Unknown said...

lol you are funny!