Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where does the time go?

Summertime! There's just too much living to do to blog!

Summer school is hurlting along. Three weeks down, one to go, then finally - FINALLY - freedom! I've been jetting out of work as quickly as I can for BBQs, hanging on the beach, hiking, going to the fireworks, taking nana out for her 89th birthday dinner, parties... goodness, I don't even KNOW what I've been up to, but it's sure been fun. I kind of figure, if I have to work, I may as well squeeze as much other stuff in as I can. Of course, that also means that I'm out every night till usually late and am getting no work around the house done... but hey, that's what rainy summer days are for, right?

Erm, or not. Today it's supposed to rain for the first time in four weeks - FOUR WEEKS, people! Oh sweet glorious, glorious summer! - and I'm dead set on hiking anyway. I've been trying to do this hike for weeks, dag namit! Hmm... the slippery steep exposed rocky cliffs that we're supposed to be scrambling up may not be such a great idea when they're wet... but let a girl dream!

Now about these fireworks. Hand us if you've been to the Symphony of Fire/Celebration of Light in Vancouver. I tell you. They have RUINED me for any other fireworks displays. Ever. Synchronized to music, shot off a barge in English Bay, hundreds of thousands of people crammed along the beaches all over English Bay, Stanley Park, and beyond. Streets closed downtown for the absolute HORDES of people leaving en masse. I LOVE the fireworks. Love love love. I don't think I made it to one show last year (there are four a year), and by golly I want to go to every one this year.

I saw Canada's display through the lens of my camera on Wednesday, and got some cool shots. I'll post a link in a few days when I'm actually HOME enough to upload them, but here's a teaser to give you an idea of the cooleriffic display on Wednesday night (GO CANADA!). And below that is a picture I only WISH I took - a view of the fireworks from a few years ago taken from Cyress mountain. Wowowowow.

Off I go. Church then HIKING! Quite possibly in the rain. Good times.

Above = Mine.
Below = Not mine. I wish! Click the photo for photo credit (and a bigger version)


Katrina said...

Beautiful photos! Zowee! My fireworks pictures never even come close to looking like I imagine they will. Those are awesome!

Have a great hike, rain or shine, and enjoy that freedom. :) You deserve it!

Paul said...

Er, I'm pretty sure you did get to see Spain's entry on Wednesday 25th July 2007. It was right after the free Granville Island Improv that you won because you and your Dad had been Improv King and Queen, and a few days before you left for your road trip.

If you need any more help remembering previous social events, please feel free to ask, but I can probably only remember the ones I was there for.

Oh, and I can't believe it's a year since I was in Vancouver.

Anonymous said...

Gave you some Blog love - come by and check it out :)