Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Sometimes a song plays in the background, and you're going about your business, barely aware that it's there. Then suddenly, WHAM! The volume hasn't changed, but the lyrics are screaming at you, touching your heart, bringing tears to your eyes. How many times have I listened to this album and never really heard this song? Truth, conviction, and love, all reaching out and stopping me in my tracks...

by Sheree Plett

Has it been six days already since you
got your Sunday shoes out,
since you grabbed your untouched
Book of Life?

The same old routine
finds you in the sanctuary;
you say your fake hellos and pretend
all is well.
You bow your head before a Father
that you don't really know...

And the bells ring
and you know it's time for you to pray,
chant your amens and halelujahs.
Glued to your wooden pew,
involved in your unconscious praise,
the cliche stained glassed windows
veil your eyes
to see beyond...

Has it really been that long since you
opened your eyes
to see that you're captivated by
old loves and lies?
How much longer will you submit to your illusions
to narrow your path to a Father
that you don't really know?

And the bells ring
and you know it's time for you to pray.
You chant your amens and halelujahs,
glued to your wooden pew,
involved with your unconcious praise;
the stained glass windows veil your eyes
to see beyond...

And bells ring...


leesepea said...

You inspire me.

Queen Bee said...

Oh that is beautiful! I don't think I've ever heard it before but it really touched me, thank you Hillary.